Friday, March 7, 2008

Bimbos, Boston Cabbies, and Other Thoughts

It was just the other day when I was saying how FOX was going to douche “New Amsterdam” and it looks like my mildly annoying ranting may actually be unfolding. As you know, I lead a busy life of sitting around and doing nothing, so I DVR most of my stuff for later viewing. Well, if I hadn’t been reading the Metro on my train ride home yesterday, I never would have known that a new episode of “New Amsterdam” was on Thursday night. I set up the series recording for it, and found another new episode on Monday night. So, that makes the pilot, second, and third episodes on Tuesday, Thursday, and Monday night. Way to keep a stable schedule.

Now, I know I said I wasn’t going to talk about politics, but I’m making a slight exception here, but will say that I am not endorsing any candidate, but making a random observation. In the Democratic debate last week, Clinton railed against the media’s causal approach to Obama, referencing a SNL skit about needing a pillow. Now, I like politics and I like pop culture, but I don’t like them to mix. Unlike chocolate and peanut butter, these are two great tastes that don’t taste great together. I want my political candidates to be coming up with economic policies and ways to defeat terrorism, not watching sketch comedy shows looking for talking points.

The NCAA tournament is fast approaching and you know what that means, billions of dollars in illegal betting pools at work places all across the nation. I, of course being a semi-reformed degenerate gambler, will be taking part. Now, I have watched zero college basketball, as I find the sport boring as all hell. However, this will not keep me from needlessly throwing my money away in the chances of striking it big (which won’t happen as I am the most unlucky person alive when it comes to winning money). I, of course, will also get upset when the office bimbo strikes it big because she picked all winners based on team mascots and colors. But do I have a reason to get upset. I mean, I know exactly as much as her, so I really don’t have a leg to stand on here. That doesn’t mean I won’t get upset, I’m just saying if I was rational, I wouldn’t.

As stated many times before, I am a huge fan of “Torchwood” and really loved last weeks episode, and not only because Martha Jones popped by. However, I’m a little scared. Based on all the crap sci-fi shows I’ve seen in the past, I have an aching suspicion that the writers may cop out on the surprise ending. I also have the same feeling when it comes to Dean’s predicament in “Supernatural”. Let it be known that I do not read spoilers, so I am unsure on both accounts. I just hope the writers have enough balls to stick to there guns. If they do reverse course, you have to give me something logical. For something good, refer to Buffy’s resurrection at the beginning of season 6. For something bad, refer to any death in “Smallville”.

It would be nice of me to add that Daylight Savings Time kicks in this weekend, so set your clocks ahead one hour. Normally, you would think that a lazy bastard such as me would bemoan the loss of an hours sleep. Not so. For one, I’ll be sleeping the same amount of time anyway, so I could care less. For two, I actually like walking to my train when the sun is shining, as it probably reduces the chances of getting gunned down by a driver in Boston. Chances of getting run over by a Boston cabbie remain the same, and the chances are always high.

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