Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Baseball and 7 Year Old Comedies

A couple of points and then I’ll be off to make a living. The baseball season started the other day with the defending World Series champions playing Oakland. I always enjoy the opening day of our nation’s pastime. Too bad the opening day of our nation’s pastime wasn’t being played in our nation (before some smart-ass mentions it, Canada might as well change their name to US-light). Opening day this year was played in Japan. Not only was it played in a place that doesn’t have a MLB team, but because of the time difference, the games were played at 6 AM (Boston Time). So, in order to watch the games, I would have to get up early and miss work. The Red Sox really love their fans. This would piss me off because it means two less chances of getting Sox tickets but the Sox could play all 162 games at Fenway and I wouldn’t be able to get tickets. You have to be some corporate bigwig, know somebody, buy from a scalper, be a member of the incredibly lame “Red Sox Nation”, or make a deal with Satan to get tickets. Last year, I had to go to Toronto just to see a game. How about this? Tear down that dump of a stadium and build something with at least 50,000 seats so I can sit in an uncomfortable seat and take out a small loan for a few hotdogs and watered down beers.

I finally watched “Knocked Up” this weekend and can finally make the judgment call. “Knocked Up” is funnier than “Superbad”. It actually took me a couple of days to find “Superbad” funny, just because of all the hype. I really wanted to laugh, but I just didn’t. “Knocked Up” made me laugh out loud. It also proved that Jonah Hill has the Will Ferrell disease. He’s perfect in small doses as a supporting character, but he can’t carry a movie. I think my main problem with “Superbad” was that I find Jonah Hill annoying after 5 minutes and I can’t stand Michael Cena. I just want to bust the kid in the face. His whole unassuming, awkward thing just pisses me off. Maybe it’s because it reminds me of me when I was younger. Whatever. Anyway, Seth Rogen can both carry a movie and work very well as a supporting character (the whole McLovin side story with him was pure gold and carried that movie). Well, in order to proclaim if Judd Apatow was comic genius or flash in the pan, I needed one more piece of evidence. So, this morning I started watching “Undeclared” on my ride into work. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the many hatchet jobs of FOX, “Undeclared” was a teen comedy about starting out at college. Of course, Seth Rogen was in it. Pure hilarity. I laughed out loud a few times, causing my fellow commuters to glance at me (and this time, it wasn’t because I’m completely sexy). So, Judd Apatow is now a comedic genius. Of course, I’m making this judgment on my viewing of a 7 year old canceled comedy show.

Hopefully I’ll be back tomorrow with a little MLS preview. Totally sweet ninjas!

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