Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Hiatus

Well, you're probably wondering why there isn't a Trent's Touchdown for week 6. Well, there isn't going to be one for weeks 7 & 8 either. Nor will I have some scathing review of some poorly executed TV show (I'm looking at you "Knight Rider"). Why? Well, the Duchess relented and decided to marry me. Yes, last week, you're truly tied the knot.

So, this week, we are off on a 2 week Honeymoon to parts unknown. Since I'll have virtually no access to a computer, this means no mean spirited, slightly hurtful, and wickedly funny posts from me. Once I get back, the gloves come off. I hope to tell you all how I feel about "Fringe", "Life on Mars" (please don't ruin my memory of the original), and "90210", as well as bring back the Touchdown for week 9.

Just think, while you're all huddled around your TV's next Saturday watching the Red River Shootout, I'll be sitting in a Caribbean sportsbook taking Texas and the points, while smoking a Cuban cigar and drinking rum. Sometimes life is good.

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