Thursday, January 8, 2009

The New and Premiering of Winter 2009

As some of my faithful readers know (all two of you), during last year’s writer’s strike, I wrote an article about the 5 new or returning shows you needed to watch when they premiered in the winter of 2008. Well, I liked the idea so much that I’m going with it again. The good news this year is that I didn’t cop out and end with a tie at number 1. There is a clear delineation between numbers 1 and 2. Alright, let’s count them down.

5) Party Down (Starz, season 1 premiering in early 2009) & Cupid (ABC, season 1 premiering on 3/24)

Both shows get the number 5 spot because they both come from the creative genius that is Rob Thomas (not of Matchbox 20 fame, but of Veronica Mars fame).

Cupid is a reworking of his 1998 show in which a man lands in a mental institution because he believes he is Cupid, the God of Love. He is released by psychologist Claire Allen who takes responsibility for his behavior. Whacky hijinx ensue in the short-lived dramedy.

Part of me is skeptical about this, because one of the great things about the original was the casting of Jeremy Piven as Cupid and Paula Marshall as the doctor. However, another part of me remembers that it was also great because of the writing. Plus, Rob Thomas is reworking his own show and he wouldn’t shit on the bed on it.

Party Down is pretty straight forward. A group of struggling actors in LA work as caterers while trying to make it big. Basically, think Extras without the Britishness of it. Plus, it’s got a pretty slamming cast. I’m going to trust Thomas on this one and check it out. Or at least, hope to check it out online since I don’t get Starz.

4) Reaper (The CW, season 2 premiering on 3/17)

Probably my favorite escapist TV show from last year (including Chuck and Pysch) is being brought back as a mid-season replacement by the CW to fill in the gaps between Gossip Girl, 90210, Supernatural, and reruns of Gossip Girl. I’m particularly surprised they aren’t stashing this on Sunday night to kill it off.

For those of you who don’t know about the show, Sam is your average shiftless lay about 20-somethinger who works at the local Home Depot-esque superstore. On his 21st birthday, he learns that his parents sold his soul to the Devil. The Devil brings him on to be his demon bounty hunter, to collect souls of those who have escaped from Hell. With help from his friends Sock and Ben, he goes about doing this.

The last we saw our intrepid heroes, Sam was saved from being buried alive by the demon revolution but his father was left behind. The Devil gives Sam some time off to deal with his grief. We are left with Sam’s mother digging up his father and we hear him say “What took you so long?” and fade to black.

The show is great for a number of reasons. One, it’s just escapist fun. It makes me laugh and it doesn’t take itself too seriously. Two, it’s the cast, but mostly Sock and the Devil. The dude who plays Sock is a comedic genius and is almost always funny. The Devil is perfectly cast. Ray Wise is your go-to guy if you need the Devil, a mob boss, or a Vice President of the United States.

3) 24 (FOX, season 7 premiering on 1/11)

It’s been nearly two years since we’ve seen Jack Bauer rescuing the US from terrorist plots, Columbian drug lords, Nina Meyers, and/or his daughter’s acting. It’s been so long, I don’t even remember how Season 6 ended, except Audrey was in a coma or something and Secretary of State Heller booted Jack out. Then, at least according to the TV movie Redemption, Jack walked the earth like Jules from Pulp Fiction to deal with his demons.

Who isn’t excited about this show coming back? We’ve gone way to long without a day that involves bombs exploding, moles in government agencies, and no one sleeping, eating, or going to the bathroom for 24 hours. Jack’s not getting any younger, he needs a nap dammit. How funny would it be to hear the clock ticking and they cut to Jack curled up on a cot lightly snoring? I know I’d laugh.

2) Battlestar Galactica (Sci-Fi, second half of season 4 premiering on 1/16)

We’re finally getting to the final 10 episodes. I was beginning to wonder if Sci-Fi would ever show them. Like the show at number 1, when ever this show gives us an answer, we get 5 new questions with it. The answer we finally received at the finale in June was “Yes, they will find Earth”.

However, what they found on Earth just opens a whole new batch of question, three that jump right to the forefront. First, what the hell happened? It’s a barren wasteland, not their redemption or salvation. Two, what happened to the population of Earth? Three, what do they do now? These are the questions I hope to get answers for.

Also, its finally reveled to everyone who the Colonial 4 are. To say it was a shock to the crew is an understatement. However, we still don’t know who the Final Cylon is. Who could it be? Is it Roslin, Baltar, Starbuck, Adama, etc? We just don’t know. Plus, will we finally find out how Kara Thrice is the harbinger of death? This is just going to be a great final 10 episodes.

1) Lost (ABC, season 5 premiering on 1/21)

No doubt, the best cliffhanger of the season from last year. We finally find out how the Oceanic 6 became the only 6 survivors. We found out who was in the coffin. We find out, sort of, how Ben got off the island and ended up in Africa. But other than that, we are left dumbfounded.

The questions are just bottled up and I need answers. Is Jin still alive? What happened to the island? What happened to the people on the island? Do Desmond and Penny get a happy ending? How are the Oceanic 6, Ben, and the body of Locke going to get back to the island?

See, the problem is that I’m not going to get answers. Lost is great at being extremely cagey about information. If you get an answer, you get more questions. Plus, the answer is never exactly straight-forward. Despite this, it’s a great show (the best on TV) and the great thing is, you just have to sit back, buckle up, and get ready for one hell of a ride.

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