Friday, February 8, 2013

The Blizzard of 2013 - Post #3

It’s a little after 11 AM and the snow is coming down, but it’s kinda hard to tell how much. The thing with this storm was the fact that we were also going to get high winds. Well, the high winds are here, so its blowing the snow, making it look like the snow is really coming down, but it could just look that way. I mean, if you put flurries into 40 mph winds, it looks like a blizzard.

But, with a little over an hour of snow and nothing is accumulating on the ground, so my guess would be flurries plus high wind equals no real snow fall. The good part is it looks bad so getting out of work early seems like it’ll happen. The bad part is the fact that even flurries in high wind isn’t fun to walk in and I have to get to the Green Line.

Anyway I’ll check in later and maybe we’ll have some snow on the ground!

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